Make Visual Novels! Custom Quiz Kit!
Consider donating! Proceeds from this pack go back to the community!
An appeal from Stella, the creator of this template:
Make Visual Novels exists to push visual novel creators to new heights and introduce people to the joy of making visual novels. We rely heavily on our sponsors and donators to afford things for the community, such as packs like this one, useful websites like the Visual Novel Developer Wiki:, and running big events like the Spooktober Visual Novel Jam. Your contributions to this Placeholder Pals! pack will be used to fund upcoming events, like the educational DevTalks or more competitions. Lets make awesome visual novels together!
Make Visual Novels! Quiz Kit
Have you ever said 'Wow, I wish I could make one of those personality quizzes in Ren'Py?'
Oh, what? What do you mean 'No?' Well too bad. I love personality quizzes. Everyone does, right? Who doesn't like answering a bunch of extremely personal questions, having their answers fed back to them, and then having to take the the quiz over and over again until you get the result you actually wanted? It's the best!
This quiz kit allows you to quickly use Ren'Py and it's web build functionality to author multi-media quizzes to host on your own websites, and if lets it fly on their site you could even host them here!
- Download the files below. I recommend grabbing the full thing and exploring with it, but you'll eventually want to make your own project using the required files.
- Go to MVNQuizControls.RPY and follow the instructions to set up your quiz properly.
- Use Ren'Py's built in choice menus to write your quiz out and award points.
- At the end of your quiz, display the score however you'd like, or use $ renpy.jump(GetResultLabel()) or $ renpy.jump(GetSimpleLabel()) to navigate to the label associated with the scoring!
- Fill your quizzes with your own graphics, references, and other things your fans and audience will enjoy! Character quizzes are a lot of fun, but also think about other things, like what type of magic from your universe a person would be good with, or what role a person would be in an adventuring party!
- Build your quiz out to web and upload to your own hosting or!
What's in it?
- 3 sample quizes, which you can check out at the top of this page!
- A lot of documentation on how to use it. Like seriously there's more comments than code. (In MVNQuizControls.rpy
- Two pre-made ways to determine the results of a quiz, and easy to implement your own if you have the python knowledge. (Check the function file MVNQF.rpy)
- A few sample graphics included in the full package that you're welcome to use.
What makes it awesome?
- The premade template was designed to be accessible to mobile users, with an on-screen rollback and start over button right on the screen. (If you want a landscape version, make a new project and just copy over the required files as listed on this page.)
- You don't need to write any complicated logic, just define your scores, write your quiz and the results you want to have, and the Get
- The way the template is set up, it will skip over the main menu for you and proceed right to the quiz bits, just like a real quiz!
- You can make your quizzes right in Ren'Py, now. No web dev required, and only basic Ren'Py knowledge required!
Consider donating! Proceeds from this pack will be used to fund events, functions and competitions for the community!
Download NowName your own price
Click download now to get access to the following files:
Recommended: Everything. (MVN Quiz 2.2 MB
Required: Quiz Template Core File (MVNQuizControls.rpy) 6.1 kB
Required: Standalone Quiz Functions (MVNQF.rpy) 1.3 kB
Recommended: Personality Quiz Template (FruitQuiz.rpy) 12 kB
Optional: Graded Test Template (LitQuiz.rpy) 1.5 kB
Optional: Meet or Beat Quiz Sample (ShillQuiz.rpy) 4.2 kB
Optional: Portrait Presplash (web-presplash.jpg) 92 kB
Optional: Landscape Presplash (presplash.jpg) 74 kB
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