This asset pack is free but the developer accepts
your support by letting you pay what you think is fair for the
asset pack.
Included files
Recommended: Everything. (MVN Quiz (2.2 MB)
Required: Quiz Template Core File (MVNQuizControls.rpy) (6.1 kB)
Required: Standalone Quiz Functions (MVNQF.rpy) (1.3 kB)
Recommended: Personality Quiz Template (FruitQuiz.rpy) (12 kB)
Optional: Graded Test Template (LitQuiz.rpy) (1.5 kB)
Optional: Meet or Beat Quiz Sample (ShillQuiz.rpy) (4.2 kB)
Optional: Portrait Presplash (web-presplash.jpg) (92 kB)
Optional: Landscape Presplash (presplash.jpg) (74 kB)