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Make Visual Novels! Ren'Py Text Effects & Shader Pack!

Stylize your text in your visual novel with this pack of special text effects and shaders! This pack was designed to help give your text an extra bite. These effects can be used anywhere text can be displayed and tagged inside of Ren'Py, whether it a title screen, chapter card, any part of your UI, or even your character's dialogue boxes. It also comes with a font gallery to help you quickly test fonts, their styles, and any text shaders you have in your game files.  It also comes packaged with over 50  fonts that are free to use, even for commercial projects!

Click the screen shots on the right for a better look at the effects!

Consider donating!  Proceeds from this pack will be used to fund future packs and events for the community!

An appeal from Stella, the creator of this pack:

Make Visual Novels exists to push visual novel creators to new heights.   We rely heavily on our sponsors and contributors to afford the events, competitions, and resoruces we make and maintain for the community. Your contributions to this shader pack will be used to support the community's events, like the DevTalks speaker events and new packs!    Lets make awesome visual novels together!


Just drop the included files into your RenPy project folder next to the rest of your scripts.  Once added, press Alt + F to bring up the font gallery to browse the fonts in your game's fonts folder with no additional set up required!  

What's in it?

  1. 20 Preset effects in the form of shaders that you can just slap on any body of text without worrying about parameters. (Inside MVNTSV1.rpy)  Simply use the {shader}{/shader} tag around the text you want to stylize!
  2. A font gallery to text styles, fonts and shaders that adds new fonts, styles, and shaders as they're added to your project, just make sure your shader declarations happen before this one gets loaded in.
  3. Spaghetti code, which I'll clean up, eventually. (Pretty much everywhere)
  4. 50 something (idk like 59?) different fonts, some of which having multiple styles, each of which has a license file so that you (and I, tbh) stay compliant with the license terms when you use them. 
  5. Visual Novel Propaganda is in the video some time, hidden in plain sight.

What makes it awesome?

  1. The glow effect makes text give off either a little, or a lot of glow!
  2. The gradient effect allows your text to adopt a gradient to your specifications!  Great for distinguishing character text!
  3. The gradientglow effect combines the above two, and the glow has a gradient too!  Whoa!
  4. The hollowglow effect is the EVIL version of gradient glow, hollowed out from all the years of living in its sibling's shadow.
  5. The colorsweep effect makes a ray of color pass through your text.  Great for shiny flair!
  6. The goldsweep effect creates a large gold and yellow shimmer through your text.  Great for gaudy flair!
  7. The prey effect causes a large red 'something' to pass under the text. Whatever it is, it's on the hunt.
  8. It found you!  Use the redalert effect to pulse a WARNING effect in your text.
  9. The reverse effect and flip effect prints your text backwards and upside down!
  10. The cthonic effect creates a cryptic array of glyphs using the characters given to it. 
  11. Burn the evidence away with the burn line of effects.  BurningForBigText, BurningForSmallText, BlueBurnBig and BlueBurnSmall to produce fire effects on your text.
  12. The GhostWriter effect creates a spooky alter-image of your text, similar to popular horror film and show text.
  13. The AdjustableBurnDemo effect is the effect I used to create that rainbow color fire.  With the right know how, you can customize any of these shaders to change their style!
  14. textshadow and 3Dtext gives your text visual features common in most art programs and engines.
  15. The static effect makes your text have a choppy haze of static, because someone will ask for it if I don't put it in.  You know who you are.
  16. The RedactedSimple effect washes out any text its applied to with a solid color, great for building intrique with censored words and letters.

(Update 2/18): There's now also:

  • RedactedGlitch, a jittery, glitchy and unreadable censor shader.
  • CthonicJitter and CthonicGlitch, the cthonic shader, with movement.
  • CthonicGlitchColor, a pretty cool variation of the above that overlays the normal text overtop of colored glitches of the same text.
  • Each of these shaders has a number of knobs you can adjust to tweak the aesthetic and animation.

(Update 2/25): Download and include MVNTextShaderTags.rpy for these changes.

  • All shaders included here can now be called via tags using their default settings. E.g {ghostwrite]Boo!{/ghostwrite}
  • Sharply reduces script bloating via shader customization. (turns "{shader=BurningForBigText:u__end_color=#660066FF:u__glow_color=#440044FF:u__glow_radius=1.0} into {purple}, making your script easier to read and edit.
  • There are two included example templates to allow you to easily customize and reuse the customized effects as tags.  {blackout} uses RedactedSimple to censor words with a black bar instead of a red bar.  {purple} creates a purple flame effect.

(Update 3/15) Download MVNTSV1 and MVNTextShaderTags.rpy to get the update:

  • Added HightlightSimple.  Throws a highlight effect behind your text without altering the original. Includes a default tag of {hl]{/hl} to use.
  • Added HighlightRecolor.  Throws a highlight effect behind your text and allows you to adjust the color of the text without needing multiple effects or tags.  Includes the default tag of {hlrc}{/hlrc} to use.

This is the Make Visual Novel Assets! jam initial release of this pack.  Future editions will standardize the naming convention(I got sloppy), supply documentation, clean up some redundancies, and make altering variables in the shaders easier, and may or may not expand on the font gallery feature.

Terms of Use:

You may use any part of this pack for commercial or non-commercial purposes in relation to creating an entertainment experience(e.g, game, visual novel, interactive fiction, etc), but you may NOT redistribute MVNFontPack.rpy or MVNTSV1.rpy individually or together, alone or within a bundle or collection of asset, in whole or in part, modified or unmodified without explicit written permission.


Each font included with this package has its own license agreement contained in the folder with the font files, all of which permit redistribution of the associated fonts, commercial use and non-commercial use.  Be sure to read the full license for the fonts you wish to use!

Consider donating!  Proceeds from this pack will be used to fund more packs and resources!

Updated 9 days ago
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(6 total ratings)
AuthorStella @ MakeVisualNovels


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

MVNFontPack.rpy 5.8 kB
fonts.zip 31 MB
MVNTextShaderTags.rpy 15 kB
MVNTSV1.rpy 34 kB


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A great assortment of shaders. If you are taking ideas for future packs, I would love to have one like RedactedSimple but where the color is behind the text instead of covering it up. Would be useful for a highlighter or whiteout/correction tape/fluid effect.

Oh, yeah, that's such a good idea and it didn't occur to me to do that.  Give me a few minutes and I'll push an update.

(1 edit)

Donezo.  Redownload MVNTextShaderTags and MVNTSV1 for the new effects.  You can customize them either by altering the tags or making your own via the instructions in MVNTextShaderTags or by altering the defaults in MVNTSV1 if you feel like braving the shader declarations.

This now includes the HighlightSimple and HighlightRecolor shaders.  Highlight simple just applies the requested effect without altering the original text.  HighlightRecolor gives you control over the original color as well to make it a single tag operation to use rather than needing to stack a dozen tags for legible highlighted text.

{hl}{/hl} does a simple highlight using a yellow highligher by default.

u__highlightcolor defines the color of the highlight if you make your own tag for it.

{hlrc}{/hlrc} does the same thing, but recolors the original text in the same tag.

u__highlightcolor and u__textcolor define the highlight and the text color respectively

Oh, haha, that was fast. Thanks again for the great work!

I just want to inform you that WebGL doesn’t play well with one of the shaders. I’m in the last day of a jam so I can’t pinpoint exactly which, but I have it narrowed to one of these: burning for small text/glow/blueburning

The error message is something along the line of “x cannot be initialized with non-constant expression”. Will add more later.

I pushed an update the other day for an integer issue, but I haven't seen that particular error in my testing.  If you ever get the full error I'd be interested in seeing it.

youve done it again 😏

(1 edit)

Those glow and burn effects are really cool! Thank you so much for this!

One thing I've noticed is that, in fonts where characters might overlap, there's a black vertical line in the shader effect:


Would there be a way to fix this?

Can you tell me the name of the fonts you're using there and the version of Ren'Py you're on?  I went through and I couldn't reproduce it in 8.3.4 with any of the shaders in the pack, even with the more scripty ones.

My bad, I was running 8.3.0, and updating to 8.3.4 fixed the issue. Thanks for the quick help!

On a different note, is it possible to adjust a variable when using {shader}? For example, if the default glow color is pink, can I turn it blue on demand without setting up a separate GlowBlue shader?

So yes, you can change the variables of the shaders using the method included in the Ren'Py official documentation.  I need to take the time to write up a cheat sheet for the shaders so people can see the variables without needing to dive into rows of code.


Most of everything is customizable, let me know if there's anything you can't easily change and I'll see if I can make an update to expose it or make some more easily utilized knobs.

Thank you, this is exactly what I was missing!

"{shader=HollowGlow:u__glow_color=#0000BB}" ended up being the solution. I'm so happy about how flexible these shaders are. Thank you again!

Yep, that should cover it!

I need to write up something to help people make variable shor thands for their customizations.  Transforms are a great vehicle for that for displayable shaders but there's not a documented equal for text shaders yet.


Very useful asset and with good variety too!


Looking awesome, I looked for so long for a nice glow!!!


Watch out, y'all, Stella's about to win her own jam with an absolute banger of an entry.


Another banger. Thank you!


Oh, this is great. Good work as always, Stella!